Sunday, June 4, 2023

Free Publicity

Free Publicity

     Each day during their trip to the Florida Keys, Riley and Willa Sue shared some of their adventures at Page views the day they left Alabama Jack's headed north to the Florida Turnpike, then over to I-95 North toward Jacksonville, were 3.1 million. 

    Phenomenal would be understatement. Phenomenon would be more accurate. If. Angels. Are. Factored. In. Arial. Phenomenon. 

    The Coconut Telegraph is a buz. 


Road Kill: For Christ's sake, Deer Ed! What were you thinking? Letting a convicted kidnapper post on our beloved forum and spread lies about MRSA being in Florida Keys waters. What a bunch of B.S.!!!

Cow Girl: Deer Ed, thank you for doing your part to scare the bejesus out of people thinking about visiting our beautiful Florida Keys. Good thing for you, nobody knows where you live.


Reality Chick: Sorry to inform, I'm a medical doctor, practicing in the Florida Keys. I see MRSA patients all the time in my practice. So does every doctor I know in the Keys, who deals with sick people. A surgeon friend told me that he tells his patients after surgery that they can do anything they want but go in the ocean.

Diver Joe: Hi everyone - I'm a professional diver in the Keys. Every diver I know knows that if you cut yourself shaving and go into the ocean, you could end up with MRSA. Here are a couple of pictures.

Conch Queen: Hey all you head-in-the-sanders! Gloria Steinem wrote a book entitled, "The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off". Willa Sue for President!!! Riley for Secretary of Defense!!!

Deer Ed: Sorry all you does and bucks. This is not "our" forum. It's mine. Since when did I ever censor free speech? I know divers in the Florida Keys. I asked them and they said the ocean is full of MRSA and they carry hydrogen peroxide with them when they dive, and if they cut themselves diving, they get out of the water and pour it on the cut and hope they don't get MRSA. Too bad Riley and Willa Sue aren't sticking around.

    Riley and Willa Sue read all of that online after they get home from their visit with the Road Warriors. At are two comments:

Road Warriors: Riley, consider changing your name to Mad Max. Willa Sue, change yours to Madame President. If you ever need anything, and we do mean anything, you know how to reach us, and if you tell anyone else, you know we will have to you know what you.

Larry King: Please have Riley and Willa Sue call my producer as soon as you can. 

   After a wonderful roll in the hay and good night's rest and some breakfast, Willa Sue calls Larry's producer and gets voicemail, because everybody's still asleep in California.

    Willa Sue says, "Larry posted a comment on our website to call you ASAP.  Looking forward to your call. Thanks. Hugs."

    Riley updates and mentions how many page views it's getting each day.  

    They put on their karate gis and go out in the backyard of the apartment and do some stretching, and then go through a series of increasingly difficult katas, until they are breathing hard and wringing wet with sweat. 

    They head back to their apartment, strip, throw their gis into the washing machine, and get in the shower and, well, have another roll in the hay.

    They rinse off, turn off the shower, get out and dry off, and walk into the bedroom and flop on the bed, Riley face up, Willa Sue face down, and off to dreamland they go.

    Biker Chick comes to Willa Sue, says, "I know some nice witches I'm gonna speak with about casting some spells on some people who need a new way of looking at things."

    Angel Michael grins, tells Riley, "While I normally don't enlist the aid of witches, I don't normally tell them what to do, or not do, either."

    Willa Sue's cell phone rings and wakes them up. 

    She answers, hears, "Hi, Willa Sue, this is Larry King, I wonder if you and Riley can be on the air with me and Oprah at my studio a week from today? We want to talk with you and Riley about President Bush and Vice President Cheney talking about invading Iraq."

    Willa says, "I'm handing my phone to Riley, so you can ask him, too."

    Riley hears Larry's offer, looks at Willa Sue smile and nod her head, yes.

    "We'll be there, if you put us up in the same hotel and you and Oprah have dinner with us at the 5-star restaurant you comped for us last time we were in L.A."

    "Deal," Larry says, "I'll tell Oprah."

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