Friday, April 21, 2023



     A week later, 100,000,000 Americans are watching Riley and Willa Sue on "Oprah". Satellites are bouncing the show all over the Americas and around the world.
     About a year earlier, Oprah had introduced Riley and Willa Sue to America and the world, which set in motion Willa Sue's family in Apalachicola, Florida trying to get her locked up, again, for her and everyone in her family' own good, and caused the Bush brothers to try to make political hay by prosecuting Riley for kidnapping Willa Sue and locking her up in his home gymnasium until she lost about 150 pounds and looked just like Mary Lou, in exchange for Riley giving Willa Sue $14,000,000 he had inherited from Mary Lou, after she won it in the Alabama lottery and was killed in a freak automobile accident driving home with the loot. Riley and Willa Sue ended up giving the $14,000,000 the the Alabama Boys and Girls Sheriff Ranch
     Willa Sue had a ghostwriter write about all of that in a book called HEAVY WAIT: A Strange Tale, which was published for free at, because Willa Sue and Riley were raking in million$ off Riley's book, "Kill All the Lawyers?", and Warner Brothers had paid them a bundle for the movie rights to their saga.
     Willa Sue was on “Oprah” twice after Riley pled guilty and was given the mininum sentence of 10 years. 
     Riley looks leaner, tougher and more muscular than the last time Oprah saw him.
     Oprah asks, “What's it like to be  back to the free world, Riley?” 
     Riley smiles, winks and says, “Well, Willa Sue and I can do things we were not allowed to do in the prisoner visitation hall.”
     Oprah and Willa Sue laugh.
     Riley says, “Beyond that, the food’s a lot better. There’s more sunlight, and I can see the stars at night. I spend a lot of time wondering what’s coming down. I imagine it’s gonna be interesting.”
     Willa Sue rolls her eyes.
     Oprah gives the viewing audience “the look”.
     More silence.
     Oprah asks Riley,  "Three nights before 9/11, you really were asked in your sleep if you would make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of America?"
     "The voice was male or female?"
     "Did you recognize the voice?"
     "Well, can you tell us who, or what, asked you to make that prayer?"
     "Archangel Michael."
     "I'd heard the voice before in my sleep, but this time I saw a huge angel with big white wings on its back and a really big shiny sword in its right hand."
     "When was the first time you heard the voice, Riley?"
     "In my sleep?"
     "When I was being prosecuted, the voice said for me to let the judge decide the case, and not a jury."
     "For real?"
     "For real."
     "Do you know why you were told to let the judge decide?"
     "No, but Willa Sue told me in prison that about six weeks after giving me 10 years, the judge had a stroke and ended up in a nursing home."
     "Yeah, Willa Sue and I talked about that on this show. You. think it was karma?"
     Riley grins, says, "What do you think it was, Oprah?"

     Station break.

     Back on camera, Oprah asks Riley when he first heard the voice?
     "When I was in the Hillcrest mental hospital in Birmingham, catatonic from grief over losing Mary Lou and trying to kill myself with tequila."
     "You were asleep?"
      "No, I was awake, sort of."
      "What did the voice tell you then?"
      "Grab your best hold, Riley, you're going on a really wild ride."
      "Well, you sure have had a really wild ride, Riley."
      "In a dream last night, Michael told me the same thing he told me when I was at Hillcrest."
      "For real?"
      "For real."
      "Do you think Michael visited Jeb and George Bush?"
      "What do you think, Oprah?"
      "People are calling for you to run for president, Riley."
      "Not interested."
      "What if Michael tells you to run for president?"
      "Can a convicted felon, who has been pardoned, even run for president?"
      "Assuming the answer to that question is, yes, will you run for president if Michael tells you to run?"
      "Then me and Michael's gonna have words, because no telling how President Bush will respond to 9/11, but I doubt it will be pretty, or any smarter than the Vietnam War, which killed my older brother, while President Bush was AWOL from the Alabama National Guard. I'd be crazy take on the mess President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney are going to make of America"
      "What do you think about 9/11, Riley?"
      "How much time do you have, Oprah?" 
      Station break.

      Back on camera, Riley says,  "Here’s what I think about 9/11, Oprah."
      “It goes back to the Persian Gulf War and President Bush’s father, who then was president. Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein asked the American Ambassador what was America’s position on Iraq taking part of Kuwait, which Iraq cliamed was part of Iraq? The Ambassador said America had no position on thqt. Saddam took that as a green light, and he sent his army into Kuwait.”
      “I watched the first President Bush and Ross Perot debate that on Larry King live. Perot said it didn't matter which Arabs had Kuwait, they would sell oil to America, and going to war against Iraq was not worth one American soldier's life. Not long after that, I saw the first President Bush say on American TV that he could not let the American way of life be threatened. He didn’t give a hoot about Kuwait, except for its oil. He formed a coalition to drive Saddam’s army out of Kuwait. 
      "Saddam had known that Bush when he was Director of the CIA. Saddam and his army were an American ally against Iran and America was giving Saddam military hardware. Saddam felt he had been set up and betrayed by that Bush."
      “Saudi Arabia allowed armed forces from America, Great Britain and France to station in Saudi Arabia, and from there they went into Kuwait and drove out Saddam’s army. A Saudi prince named Osama bin Laden, had been an American ally against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Bin Laden was enraged that his home country, in which were Islams’s two holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, had allowed infidel armies to stationed there and invade another Muslim country, Kuwait, and attack yet another Muslim country, Iraq. That’s what caused 9/11.” 
      “When I was in prison, I read online a letter from Osama bin Laden to America, in which he told Americans their president, the second George Bush, was easy to bait, and they should get rid of him. I agreed with bin Laden about that, but not about his forces attacking America. A lot of men in the prison with me are convinced bin Laden had inside help that allowed him to pull off 9/11. America closed its borders after 9/11, and nobody could leave. Yet, members of the Saudi royal family, who were friends of the Bush family, were allowed to leave. 
      "Men in the prison believe President Bush will invade Iraq to get its oil for America, and America will invade Afghanistan to get its natural resources and to lay a natural gas pipeline from the Persian Gulf into Eurasia.
       Oprah asks, “What do you think, Riley?”
      “The Vietnam war was invented. America wanted Vietnam’s rubber trees and other national resources. Look what that war did to America. Imagine what a war in Iraq and a war in Afghanistan will do to America. The Afghans beat the British. The Afgans beat the Soviets. America will not beat the Afghans. America will beat Iraq, but are President Bush and Vice-President Cheney so stupid that they think America will be able to keep Iraq? If America invades Iraq or Afghanistan, America declares war against Islam, a religion with over one billion members. Islam has a violent history. It will retaliate against America, because, like America, Islam views jihad as an external payback, instead of the internal war Jesus often mentioned in the Gospels, and the Sufism mystical branch of Islam also promotes. The inner war I kept telling men in the prison they need to wage in themselves."
     “What will happen if America invades Iraq and Afghanistan is this. Rich white American businessmen and their corporations will make a great deal of money, just as rich white men and their corporations did when America went to war in Vietnam. War is big business for America. President John F. Kennedy came out against a war in Vietnam, and he was shot and killed. Martin Luther King came out against the war in Vietnam, and he was shot and killed. President Kennedy’s brother Bobby, who was running for president, opposed the war in Vietnam, and he was shot and killed. Malcom X came out against the war in Vietnam, and he was shot and killed.” 
     “In the law is the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, which is Latin for, “The thing speaks for itself.” Res ipsa is evidentiary proof, recognized by judges in court cases, and also in God’s Court, where we all are on trial, Oprah. Every last one of us. If we don't oppose America invading Iraq and Afghanistan, we condone it, and for that we answer to God.”

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Return of the Strange

RETURN OF THE STRANGE     Author’s Preface   This novella picks up where HEAVY WAIT: A Strange Tale ended in 2001, with Riley Strange servi...