Monday, May 8, 2023

And let there be light

And let there be light

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    A comment is posted by Annie Oakley.

Do you think Osama bin Laden read Tom Clancy's 1994 novel, "Debt of Honor", in which a Japanese commercial airline pilot, who secretly was a patriotic, disgruntled samurai, cleverly hijacks an empty Japanese jumbo airliner and flies it to America and gets it refueled and flies it to Washington D.C. and crashes it into the national Capitol when the president is addressing Congress, killing all members of Congress, the president, and all of the president's cabinet members except Jack Ryan, who is not there, and he becomes president?


Do you think that samurai would believe amateur Arab pilots, who had never piloted a jumbo jet and were not instrument rated, which takes a lot of work to achieve by flying real airplanes blindfolded, were capable of taking over two Boeing 767s and making direct hits on the Twin Towers?

A Boeing 757 struck the first level of the Pentagon. The 757 is smaller than a 767. I am a  commercial airline pilot, who flies 757s several days a week. I would need more than instrument rating and an online computer to make a long, very low altitude "torpedo bomber" approach and make a direct hit into the ground level of the Pentagon. I would need a lot of experience actually flying large commercial aircraft.

The commercial pilots did not call in that they're being hijacked? They did not know about commotion in the passenger section before the hijackers got into the cockpit? The FAA did not alert NORAD and NORAD did not scramble fighter jets armed for bear? That's really hard for me to believe.

7 World Trade Center, a 47-story building near the Twin Towers, collapsed hours after the Twin Towers were hit and collapsed. 7 contained offices of the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the Office of Emergency Management. No airplane hit that building.


President Bush shut down all flights out of America, but Saudi royalty friends of the Bush family were secretly allowed to leave in a Saudi jet. Osama bin Laden is a member of that family.

When President Bush was talking with those school kids in Florida and was told about 9/11 being underway, did he jump up and get about being president? Hell, no. He kept talking to the school kids, because, he said, didn't want to alarm them. Or was it because he didn't want to get in the way of an inside job? 

    Riley and Willa Sue don't need a crystal ball to know President Bush will say they made up the death threat. So, do they tell the public about the death threat?

    Does a bear crap in the woods? 

    Indeed, it does.

    Riley replies to Annie Oakley:

When Willa Sue and I met with President Bush in the Oval Office, he told us that Vice-President Cheney told him that if he did not turn the US Military over to Vice-President Cheney, he would have the same thing happen to him that happened to President Kennedy and his brother, Bobby. He asked Riley for advice. Riley asked President Bush what did he think Jesus would do? 


We wanted to go public with that, but Archangel Michael told us to stand down, and stand by. Last night, Archangel Michael told both of us in dreams, "Only fools rush in, where angels fear to tread, but if there were no fools, who'd lead the angels?" We have no desire to lead angels. Maybe if we had told what we know sooner, President Bush would not have invaded Afghanistan?

    Annie replies: 

If President Bush told you that, it is a trap to discredit you both. President isn't nearly as smart as his father, and he has a big need to prove his manhood by fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. Don't be surprised if he starts a war in Iraq, too. His dick needs a lot of attention for him to feel it's big enough. In the end, Afghanistan will eat his dick. As will a war he starts in Iraq. And he will never figure out his dick was eaten. He will think he did great things.


    Riley replies to Annie: 

You make really good points. However, President Bush did tell Willa Sue and me that Vice-President Cheney had threatened his life, and we are willing to take polygraph exams administered by the FBI on Oprah and Larry King Live with all the world watching.

    Annie replies:

I bet they run out of popcorn. 

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