Sunday, May 7, 2023

Br'er Bush and the tar baby

Br'er Bush and the tar baby

    The day after Riley and Willa Sue were on Larry King Live, page views spike to just over 1.5 million.

    The day after Riley and Willa Sue flew back to Jacksonville,  October 7, 1942, Riley's birthday, it is all over the news that an America-led military coalition is invading Afghanistan, to go after Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, who are protecting and hiding him. 

    Unknown to President Bush and Vice-President Cheney, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, MI6, and the rest of the coalition's military commanders and intelligence services, bin Laden is traveling on out of the way obscure back roads and trails to northeastern Pakistan. from which he will observe just how well his trap is working. Then 9,11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York City is the trap's bait.

    Riley and Willa Sue don't know where Osama is, but they know 9/11 is bait, and the trap is Afghanistan, which beat the Soviets and before that the British. Riley and Willa know that just as surely as they know Cheney  threatened to kill President Bush, if he did not invade Afghanistan.

    President Bush didn't want to invade Afghanistan. When he went to his former president father to talk about invading Afghanistan, his father's question was, "What is your exit strategy?" 

    What exit strategy? President Bush knows Vice-President Cheney never intends to leave Afghanistan. He intends to get Afghanistan's natural resources for American corporations.

    President Bush knows Afghanistan has vast mineral fields, containing barite, chromite, coal, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, natural gas, petroleum, precious and semi-precious stones, salt, sulfur, lithium, talc, zinc and marble, among many other minerals. Gemstones include high-quality emerald, lapis lazuli, red garnet and ruby.

    President Bush knows Afghanistan's significance from an energy standpoint stems both from its oil and gas gas deposits and its geographical position as a transit route for oil, natural gas, and electricity exports from Central Asia to South Asia and the Arabian Sea. This potential includes the construction of the trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline, which Vice-President Cheney intends to have Halliburton build.

    Halliburton Company is headquartered in Texas, where President Bush is from. President Bush was the Governor of Texas for two terms. He knows more about Halliburton and its former CEO Dick Cheney than he cares to know.

    President Bush knows Halliburton is a multinational corporation responsible for much of the world's hydraulic fracturing operations. Halliburton is a major international oil field service company with operations in dozens of countries. Halliburton's major business segment is the Energy Services Group (ESG). Halliburton's subsidiary, KBR, is a major construction company of refineries, oil fields, pipelines, and chemical plants

    President Bush knows Cheney intends to monetize Afghanistan's natural resources to repay America for its costs of invading Afghanistan. 

    President Bush, the Vietnam draft dodger, who said when he was running for president, that he had never smoked marijuana, but he had, knows Cheney and the CIA intend to mine Afghanistan's vast poppy fields.     

    President Bush knows heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. Heroin can be a white or brown powder, or a black sticky substance known as black tar heroin 

    President Bush knows the CIA used its Air America department to bring opium from Burma, Laos and Cambodia  into South Vietnam, and then to America, where it was sold on back markets and turned into heroin, which was sold in inner cities, all to fund CIA clandestine operations in Southeast Asia.

    Riley explains all of that to Willa Sue, and says, "It's not rocket science. Anyone can find that information on the Internet. Anyone can figure out what the invasion of Afghanistan is really about. Anyone who wants to can see Afghanistan is a giant tar baby, a trap of incomprehensible dimension and magnitude, which the clever fox Osama bin Laden laid, figuring President Bush would take the bait."

    "Do you think President Bush would have taken the bait if Vice-President Cheney had not threatened to have him killed if he did not invade Afghanistan?"

    Riley sighs, says, "That's a very good question, Wife, and we'll never know the answer."

    During their sleep that night, Riley and Willa Sue are visited by Archangel Michael in their dreams. Michael tells them both the same thing: "Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread, but if there were no fools, who'd lead the angels?"

    Waking on day 2 of the Afghanistan invasion, Riley and Willa Sue share their dreams.

    Perplexed, Riley says, "What about the prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity Michael asked me to make? Where is the Divine Intervention?"

    "Could it be us, Riley? We never told anyone what President Bush told us about Cheney threatening to have him killed."

    "I dunno, Wife. Let's sit on it, see if Michael has more to say."


    That morning, Riley publishes at everything he knows and thinks about Afghanistan, Halliburton, Osama bin Laden and the trap, except Vice-President Cheney threatening President Bush.

    Around noon, Sandy Downs of Cudjoe Key, Florida posts a comment at

Nice report. In addition to following the money trail, consider the "possibility" that men who start wars have a serious problem with their manhood, more specifically, with their dick. Either it isn't getting enough action, or it isn't working like they want it to work. So to prove their manhood, they start wars they hope to win and make their dick feel better. I agree with you that 9/11 is bait, and President Bush swallowed it hook, line and sinker. 

In the original tar baby story, before Walt Disney made "The Song of the South Movie" about Uncle Remus, the little plantation boy he looked after, and Br'er Rabbit, Br'er Fox and "Br'er Bear", there is no briar patch happy ending. Br'er Rabbit is still stuck in Br'er Fox's tar baby trap, and Br'er Bear is firing up a big cook pot to have Br'er Rabbit for dinner. I imagine Uncle Remus would not think well of the little white boy, or any of the young black slave men, being sent off to fight rich white men's war in a distant land.'

   That night, Willa Sue and Mary Lou Snow come to Riley in a dream and tell him in unison, "Us two witches want to weave some spells, if that's okay with you." Riley asks, "What kind of spells?" They smile, say in unison,"Trade secrets, we like surprises." Riley winces, says to Mary Lou, "I didn't care for the surprise that you went off and got yourself killed." Mary Lou shrugs, says, "I came to you in a dream at Hillcrest Hospital and told you I was sorry and it would all be okay. If I didn't go off and get myself killed, you would still be practicing law in Birmingham, you would not have met Willa Sue, and you would not have met Oprah, President Bush and Larry King." Riley nods, says, "Well, witches, get out your cauldron and brew your spells.

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