Friday, May 12, 2023

The light shimmers

The Light Shimmers

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    Willa Sue says, "That's a lot of people reading about us, Riley."

    "That it is, Wife, that it is. Perhaps we should try sending them out on missions?"

    "What kind of missions?"

    "Oh, how about slinging rotten suckers onto the White House front yard and toilet-papering its trees?"

    "That should get you a lot of votes for president - of another prison.

    "How about I tell them, if they want to get me elected, they have to get me on the ballot, or at least they write my name on their ballots on election day, as a protest. Meanwhile, I'm kinda jaded with all the politics and TV appearances, how about you, Wife?"

    "I thought you'd never ask, Husband."

    "What would we do instead?"

    "How about we get ourselves a life somewhere we like?"

    "Somewhere nobody knows where we are?"

    "I thought you'd never ask."

    "Like where?"

    "How about the Pleiades?"

    "You know somebody who has a star ship?"

    "Luke Skywalker?"

    "Somebody real."

    "Captain Picard?"

    At that moment, a strange shimmer comes into their living room, filled with  waves of blue and green light. Then a form appears in it and becomes more dense and it is a man and a woman, of sorts. Their skin is pale lavender, their hair is black, short, cropped, kinda like Spock. Their eyes are green with golden pupils. Their ears are slightly pointed, like elves' ears. They have no nose or mouth. Their arms and legs are about the same length. They wear something like jumper suits, and they have tails. 

    In unison, they speak telepathically to Riley and Willa Sue.

    "Please do not be frightened, we mean you no harm. We come to you, because your journey interests us and other species of which your planet's scientists and theologians know nothing, although your scientist Carl Sagan knew but would not prove we were around, and Nikolai Tesla knew we were around, and we communed with him, and other people on your world have sensed or even seen us from time to time, but they were not believed by anyone else. Many human shamans have known us, and we have had some dialogue with them."

    Willa Sue asks with her vocal cords, "Is this an invasion, you are the messengers?"

    'No, this is not an invasion. We have been here a very long time, but mostly we stay in what your science fiction calls cloaked or stealth mode. We live in what the wild aborigines in Australia called dream time, and we also live in the kind of time human beings live in. We can switch back and forth at will."

    Riley asks, "You are from another planet? Or another dimension?


    "You have a spaceship or something?"

    "Yes, but it's nothing like what you can imagine. It has no rockets. It does not breathe fire when it takes off. It is made of electromagnetic particles and it rides space winds sort of like your airline pilots ride the jet stream when they fly from California to New York City. We use what some people on your world call wormholes to get from one place to another, and we use black holes' gravity to slingshot and increase our ship's velocity. We can and do travel much in excess of the speed of light. But we are slow pokes compared to your Archangel Michael, who can be here one moment, and somewhere else another moment, and in several places at once. We have not figured out how angels get around, and maybe we never will. They are entirely different from us. They are made from living light and are not bound by any laws of physics known to us."

    "What are you made from?" Willa Sue asks.

    "Electro-magnetic plasma is the simplest explanation. We can walk through your walls, if we wish. We can teleport ourselves, if we wish, but not in space. We need to be in our ships to do that, if we wish to stay what you call alive."

    "How long do you live?" Riley asks.

    "A very long time, since we are not biological beings, we do not, shall we say, rot or decay like you do. We do not age like you do. We do not live forever, as energy eventually breaks down if it is not replenished. But we are around for a very long time."

    "How'd that come about, you were made? You came out of slime as a tadpole? Or you were mud that got struck by lightning?" Will Sue asks."

    "Lighting played a part, but not what you call lightening. There are other kinds of lightning. Some human beings have been stuck by it. Riley was struck by it in Hillcrest Hospital. That's what really woke him up."

    Riley says, "Okay, I have a problem with what you explained, because there would be no reason for you to have tails, if you are not biological beings. No ancestral trees to swing from, huh?"

    "Appearances are deceiving. Our tails are antennae, sort of like your world's cat whiskers. Our tails sense like radar or sonar what is going on, and where. Our tales tell us stuff we need to know, such as how far away a magnetic storm is, or how far we are from an energy vortex where we can feed."

    "Fucking amazing," Riley says.

    "For real," Willa sue says.

    "Okay, why did you come to us?" Riley asks.

    "Archangel Michael encouraged us to come to you and tell you a story about your species. It's a very long story, but the short version is, once upon a time, we were in a big struggle on our planet, and some of us developed time travel, which was far easier for us to achieve than it is for biological beings such as yourself. Some of us went into the future and discovered there was no future. We were not there. It was as if we had never existed. We had simply disappeared, and they couldn't discover why. They came back and reported what they had found in the future, and it caused quite a commotion. A commotion that never stopped, for we are still here, but we do not know when we might not still be here. That's a total mystery to us. And, that's why we are here. To tell you that the same lies in store for your species. We cannot tell you when or where or why, but your species will cease to exist and there is nothing your species can do about it. Meaning, there is nothing you two can do about it. So, we suggest you try to enjoy your lives as much as possible and hope thereby to have experiences that will free what you call your souls from your bodies and your species and your relationship with this planet, and you go roaming the stars and the heavens like we do."

    Willa Sue says, "Well, we had a blast on Oprah's show and on Larry King's show. That was a bad thing?"

    "Not at all. It was a good thing. Keep trying to have blasts. Keep trying to live life as fully as possible. But do it knowing that you are doing it for you, and if someone else is helped, then that's good. But what you are about is trying to be all that you are, and as you know, that is not what the human species, in the main, is about."

    "Is this some kind of reality TV show," Riley asks?

    "Well, it's being watched as we speak to you. There are many viewers. None of them are of your species. You, your species, are watched in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Some of the watchers would like to see your species end. But it will end when it's time for it to end, or it commits suicide, by killing the planet, if that is allowed, which maybe it won't be. Species have killed planets before. Species have been terminated before they killed their planet. Something decides what is allowed, or not allowed. Sometimes we are called in to carry out that something's wishes. You might call it God. That's as good a name as any, and Michael knows much more about that than we do."

    Riley and Willa Sue look at each other.

    The visitors continue, "There was variation of your species on this planet, which sometimes is referred to as the Atlanteans.  They were from the Pleiades, and they tried to integrate with your species, which Michael, or something, had jump started on  this planet. The Atlaneans could interbreed with some of your species, but the offspring were not encouraging, so that was stopped. The Atlanteans finally decided to leave, and they used their technology to destroy most of the evidence they had been here. Most. There are the pyramids. There are the hieroglyphs. There are other residues of their time here. They went home in their starships, which traveled much as we travel."

    There was another species, which has been called the Lemurians. They, too, were from the Pleiades. There are several inhabited planets in the Pleiades star system. The Lemurians  were ethereal. They were able to teleport themselves. They did not have nor did they need spaceships. We never figured out how they did it. We think they might have intermingled with the Australian aborigines and gave them dream time, or taught them how to use it. Then, the Lemurians left, and we assume they returned to the Pleiades, but perhaps they went somewhere else. 

    "Humanity is going to destroy itself, isn't it?" Willa Sue asks.


    "Can you take us with you?", Riley asks.

    "Yes, but we don't recommend it. You would be like two goldfish in a small aquarium, being watched all the time by multitudes of curiosity seekers. You would be like freaks at a state fair. Here on Earth, you are rock stars. We envy you. Now we must take our leave. We wish you well, and we will be watching, and sometimes you might feel or sense us cheering you on, crying when you cry, laughing when you laugh. You cannot possibly know just how much potential your species has, or had, which our species simply does not have, just as your species does not  have our species' potential."

    The light shimmers and they are gone.

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