Saturday, May 27, 2023

Mosquito Control v. MRSA

Mosquito Control v. MRSA  


    The next morning, Riley and Willa Sue head to The Cracked Egg.

    "Hi," Rhonda greets them as they come in the side door.

    "Hi back at ya," Willa Sue says. 

    Riley orders grilled grouper, fried eggs and whole wheat toast, and Willa Sue orders the spinach omelet and grilled potatoes. And water, with lemon slices. 

    Rhonda turns in the order, comes right back, asks, "How'd it go with Wilfred and Angus?"

    Riley says, "Nice people, we love their home."


    "They don't seem to be contributing anything to help the Florida Keys, which we learned from them, and from Dale and Emily, are kinda in shit creek and getting deeper. 

    "You met Dale and Emily?"

    "Yep, right after seeing you last. At the fish camp marina. They kinda woke us up, and they woke us up the rest of the way over dinner last night at their trailer on Little Torch."

    "Woke you up how?"

    "Like, the ocean here is full of MRSA flesh eating bacteria nobody seems to want tourists to know about."

    Rhonda nods.

    Willa Sue says, "Why would we want to live by the ocean and not be able to swim in it?

    Rhonda nods.

    Riley says, "The Longshores told us about Mosquito Control getting rid of most of the mosquitoes that cause diseases, and that made the Florida Keys a lot more hospital for people to live here."

    "And a lot more attractive for tourists," Rhonda added.

    Willa Sue says, "They said you splashed us on's Coconut Telegraph."

    "I wrote that you two are staying at the fish camp and are thinking about moving here."


    "And that I like you, but you seem a little weird, talking about angels and your dreams."


    "And that I sent you to visit the Longshores."


    "That's about it."

    Willa Sue asks, "Do people on the Coconut Telegraph talk about flesh-eating bacteria?"

    "I never saw that talked about there."

    "Maybe you should talk about MRSA there, since this is your home and we're just passing through."

    Rhoda shrugs, says, "MRSA is not my problem. I don't go swimming here."

    Riley says, "I looked up MRSA online. It's a staph bacteria that became resistant to antibiotics. The pictures of people with  MRSA skin infections were horrible. Tourists fill up the Big Pine Motel across the parking lot, and they eat in this restaurant, and they give you tips, and they go swimming, or snorkeling, or diving, and they go home, and maybe they take MRSA home with them, and when it breaks out on their skin, they and their doctors trying to save their lives don't know where or how they caught it. It don't sit well with Willa Sue and Me that the Florida Keys harbor a terrible water-borne plague that can kill people, and tourists aren't told about it."

    Rhonda shrugs again, says, "No tourists, the Florida Keys economy dries up and a lot of people living here have to leave."

    Willa Sue says, "Maybe Mother Nature would like that. Maybe she sent MRSA after Mosquito Control defeated her first line of defense?"

    Rhonda shrugs.

    Riley pulls out his wallet, extracts a $10 bill, puts it on the counter top, says, "Thanks for helping us figure out this version of paradise isn't right for us."

    Rhonda smiles, says, "It's been my pleasure."

    Willa Sue smiles wanly.

    Riley asks, "Is there a public library nearby?"

    "Yes, in the Winn-Dixie Shopping Center.


    The library isn't open yet, but its internet Wi-Fi is working.

    Sitting on the concrete steps in in front of the library, Riley opens his laptop and goes online to the Coconut Telegraph and sees Rhonda's splash at the top.

Wonder Woman: Hey all you does and bucks out there. Guess what? Oprah and Larry King's buddies, Riley Strange and Willa Sue Jenkins, ate at The Cracked Egg today, and little ole' me waited on them and they are good tippers :-). They said they are staying at the Old Wooden Bridge Fish Camp, and they told me their dreams about them being told to come to paradise and do everything they can to save it from humans. I told them to go meet the Pleiadeans on No Name Key, hoping they all can team up and call down a spaceship, or a band of angels, to get rid of hurricanes, so the Florida Keys really will be Paradise.

    Below Rhonda's post is:

Sandy Downs: Some people don't seem to think straight. Riley and Willa sue are probably the most important people in America, right now, and you want them to get rid of hurricanes, which Mother Nature makes? Are you f-ing serious?!@! I live in an octagon stilt house on Cudjoe Key. We get tidal surges during hurricanes that flood out the downstairs enclosure, but we get through hurricanes. Perhaps the idiots in the county government who approve new home permits should require octagon on stilts design?


    Riley reads all of that to Willa Sue, who grabs his Apple laptop and types a reply under Rhonda's comment.

How do you do, this is Willa Sue.


Thank you, Sandy!:-) But, we kinda think President Bush, for better or for worse, is the most important person in America.

Riley and I found the Pleiadeans to be nice people, wrapped up in their own little world instead of in the somewhat bigger picture, which is the reef is nearly dead, Mosquito Control killed most of Mother Nature's first line of defense, so she sent MRSA flesh-eating bacteria, which infected all of the Florida Keys waters, and nobody tells the tourists about MRSA, and did anybody in the Florida Keys ever hear about KARMA, and that SHE'S A REAL BITCH?! 

Riley and I drove down to the Florida Keys from near Jacksonville, thinking we might live here, but why would we want to hang out where Mother Nature sucks hind tit and MRSA rules the ocean and the locals don't tell the tourists about it? Like I said, we don't want that KARMA. We suggest you all join Stop The Bulldozers and help it hire a real lawyer, if such lives in your so-called paradise, to file suit in Federal Court, in Key West, Riley says, asking the Court to (1) stop Mosquito Control from killing Mother Nature's prime defense, mosquitoes, and (2) requiring the county government to warn tourists of their MRSA peril, if they go in the ocean.


Very truly yours,

Willa Sue- I'll let Riley speak for himself, if he wishes. 

    Riley takes back his laptop and types this comment:

This is Riley, folks. 

Sandy Downs posted a KICK-ASS poem at our blog,, which we hope she also posted at the Coconut Telegraph, but if she didn't, we hope she will. Every American could learn a great deal from that poem.

Meanwhile, Willa Sue is from the backwoods between Port St. Joe and Apalachicola. She was raised hunting alligators, wild boars and diamondback rattlesnakes with her brothers. She can break 2-inch boards with her bare hands, elbows, knees, feet and head. You really don't want to mess with her. Nor do I.


We drove a long way to see what you call Paradise is about. We met some people we really like, who seem to know what's important, and what isn't. We hope you are such people, or if you aren't, you become such people. The Florida Keys themselves are far more important than the people living here. So, show the Keys some respect, instead of acting like God told you to live here and ruin it.


If you get rid of Mosquito Control, that will stop development in its tracks, home prices and rents will plunge, and it will cost you a lot less to live here. Others of you will move away and avoid catching mosquito diseases and MRSA, and in that way respect and help yourselves, and respect and help Mother Nature restore what the invasive species, humans, screwed up in paradise. 

If you aren't up for that, at least warn tourists about MRSA in the ocean here. How would you like to be a tourist and not be told about MRSA in the ocean, and you go into the ocean and catch MRSA, and you go home and MRSA lesions break out on your skin, and you and your doctor are fighting to save your life?

Meanwhile, consider Mother Nature throws up her hands and simply starts hammering paradise with several big hurricanes every year, until the invasive species figures it out, or FEMA goes bankrupt. Some people want me to run for president. I think they must not like me very much, to wish that shit job on me. But if I was president, I think I would not allow FEMA to rescue people who bought and built homes in hurricane zones, because they knew FEMA would bail them out.

Vaya con Dios.

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